Sales:(800) 484-4515

Xeal solves for X

EV chargers can bring positive cash flow to your next energy project.

  • integrateUtility.svg

    Connect Utility Data

    Model your next project with UtilityAPI or generate a sample load profile based on the type of facility you're working with.

  • Interoperabe.svg

    Integrate with Solar & Storage

    Size your solar array right for maximum on-site consumption with chargers and improve the payback period. Download a new load profile with a facility plus EV forecast to better optimize your energy storage assets.

  • Stimulate.svg

    Simulate Project ROI

    Estimate utilization of chargers, project costs, and revenue potential with smart insights delivered by us to calculate the ROI on your EV charger project.

  • generateProposals.svg

    Generate Customer-facing Proposals

    Download clear, concise and customer ready proposals as you build your project and customize it with your company logo.